• e-mail: manager@jewa.cz

JEWA export - import s.r.o.

JEWA export - import s.r.o. was founded in the spring of 1995. Its main goal was to draw on expertise and knowledge of the partners in the forestry field. We started our collaboration with forest owners, offered services involving logging, forest tree planting, reforestation and forest protection. We have established contacts in the Slovak Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, Russia, Poland and Macedonia where we manage to buy timber from the state and private forest owners. The timber is harvested and extracted from the forest to be processed at our sawmill or at our customers´ premises.
At the same time we concluded contracts with new partners in Austria, Germany, Italy and Hungary. In 2009, we established business relationships in the U.S., Panama and India. Recently we have been successfully negotiating with the suppliers of timber logs from the countries of former Yugoslavia.

Our strengths

Speed and excellent communication
Accordance and accuracy
Well-established company

  • Belarus
  • Germany
  • Russia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Panama
  • Slovakia
  • India
  • Poland
  • Serbia
  • Italy
  • Austria
  • Ukraine
  • Hungary
  • Romania
  • USA
  • Macedonia


Společnost JEWA EXPORT – IMPORT s.r.o. v roce 2023 realizuje dotační projekt s názvem FVE pro JEWA EXPORT - IMPORT s. r. o. a registračním číslem CZ.31.3.0/0.0/0.0/22_005/0004719.

Cílem projektu je instalace a spuštění fotovoltaické elektrárny (s akumulací) o celkovém výkonu 19,35 kWp. Za pomoci využití obnovitelných zdrojů dojde ke snížení energetické a finanční náročnosti podnikatelské činnosti firmy JEWA EXPORT – IMPORT s.r.o. Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropskou unií prostřednictvím Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu.

Our partners

ArcelorMittal Ostrava a.s.
JEWA s. r. o.